Mogavero Architects

Circle S

Circle S in San Pablo, California is a carefully composed neighborhood plan that provides a diverse mix of affordable and market rate housing, office and retail space, and a childcare facility.

This project envisions the creation of a new pedestrian-friendly neighborhood in the heart of San Pablo. The neighborhood plan is carefully composed and provides a diverse mix of affordable and market rate housing, office and retail space and a childcare facility. Through circulation grids and strategically located parks and open spaces, the Plan creates an integrated, cohesive new community. Higher density uses are appropriately placed along San Pablo Avenue and lower density uses lead to the creek, which will be restored into a public park as part of the project.

Analysis of the site revealed the importance of several planning elements including street access to San Pablo Boulevard, public access to the creek, views, open space linkages, and adjacencies. The project includes a variety of uses and 368 residential units of a diverse nature as follows: Senior housing apartments, affordable family rental apartments, commercial office/retail shops, market rate modular housing units, and multi-level condominiums.


  • Landscape site furniture will consist of high recycled products
  • Plantings will be selected with the intent of reducing water consumption
  • Minimal areas of turf will be strategically employed in the design in keeping with the sustainable landscaping goals
  • A system of bio-swales, curb-cuts and storm water filtration planters will be incorporated along on-site roadways, landscape medians and strategic parts of neighborhood parks to capture runoff from the site, protect Wildcat Creek, and maximize the re-absorption of run-off back into land.