Mogavero Architects

Viewing Everything

Renner & John attend author’s talk: The Power of Habit

Renner Johnston and I attended an author’s talk last week at the Sutter Clu...

ASCE: Architectural Project of the Year – 7th and H!

Last night our firm was honored, along with our client Mercy Housing California and structural engineer Miyamoto International, to accept ASCE's award for the region for the just completed 7th

Maple Park Project Completed

Since the mid 1980’s there hasn’t been an affordable housing project built in the city of Live Oak; on February 11, 2013, a notice of completion was signed making 56…

Sacramento Railyards: A Peek Inside

For many years, I have been looking across a large expanse of a fenced-off “no-man’s land” at the old brick locomotive works buildings in the middle of Sacramento’s abandoned Railyards. …

Cesar Chavez Plaza

American Planning Association recognized Cesar Chavez Plaza in Sacramento as a “2012 Great Public Place”....

Central Valley Architecture Festival

The Central Valley Region Architecture Festival this October will explore ...

Best Real Estate Projects Recognized this Morning by the Sacramento Business Journal

Our firm was among a group of award winners for newly developed and built projects in the Sacramento region. Our project, Sacramento’s new Greyhound station on Richards Boulevard in the…

Prototype Cabin for Homeless Developed by Mogavero Architects

Great news on the efforts to reduce homelessness in Sacramento...

Maple Park Makes Rapid Progress

Our Maple Park project in Live Oak continues to make rapid progress, with an anticipated January, 2013 delivery date....

Chalk It Up!

The Sacramento Chalk It Up festival was in full form this Labor Day weekend....