We have a lofty garage space off the alley where we usually store extra paint, back issues of Architectural Record and Craig’s old Alfa. This weekend we opened up the extra large roll-up doors to perfect fall weather, put up some party lights and used the space to bring together some friends and colleagues from Sacramento’s environmental advocacy community.
The occasion was to welcome Bruce Reznik to the Sacramento area. Bruce, originally from San Diego, joins Planning and Conservation League (PCL) as their new executive director. David Mogavero has been a long-time board member at PCL, a leading advocacy organization for sound planning and responsible environmental policy for the state of California.
MNA team member, Casey Marshall and his incredible band Hot Tar Roofers played us some tunes and even got some of us out there cutting a rug (shout out to Renner and Monica!).
Erin,thanks for the shout out. Shout out to you too, you did an awesome job coordinating this event.