The Lohse Apartment Building in Roseville features a large abstract ceramic mural created by local female veterans through Blue Line Arts and the Roseville Mural Project. The mural was installed just prior to the Grand Opening last week of the new Mercy Housing California affordable project in Downtown Roseville.

Blue Line Arts, with support from the California Arts Council, partnered with the Women’s Veterans Alliance to host free art workshops for veterans. A portion of the program gave female veteran artists the opportunity to collaboratively construct the mosaic to be installed in the new housing community.

The program is just one of many through the Roseville Mural Project aiming to trigger imagination and create a deep sense of community in the City of Roseville.
Greetings , just checking out your cool site ! There is obviously no limit to your talents and creativity. Absolutely gorgeous work! I feel that would be an excellent fit for our wedding anniversary , I am really much interested in your original art piece to surprise my wife , I am a novice and am eager to start collecting art. I’m from MA USA . Thank you , Will