Mogavero Architects

Parkview Strategic Revitalization

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In concert with the City of Redding, our firm participated in the Parkview Strategic Revitalization Plan as part of Redding’s Market Street Redevelopment Project. The Plan area was characterized by an increasing number of rental units, deferred maintenance of housing and infrastructure, low property values, a high concentration of low-income and senior fixed income households, coupled with a low median age and corresponding large number of young families.

The Plan emphasizes an implementation program that can be carried out through public and private sector partnerships.

The recommendations included an identification of a 5-year list of priorities, responsible parties and action items, funding sources, and a proposed budget. The elements contained in the Plan are aimed at enhancing the livability of the neighborhood and were developed and combined into a comprehensive program.

The Plan emphasizes and recommends an implementation program that can be carried out through public and private sector partnerships. The project was recognized by the American Planning Association, Sacramento Valley Chapter, and was awarded a Planning Award for an Outstanding Focused Issue Planning Project.