Earlier this week I attended the 40th Annual Environmentalist of the Year Awards put on by Environmental Council of Sacramento. The event was held at the Sierra Health Foundation, beautifully…
As you may know, for the past eight years Mogavero Notestine Associates has been actively engaged in Park[ing] Day, which is an annual event which helps to bring attention to…
Friday 20 September was Park(ing) Day – an event Mogavero Notestine Associates has participated in since just after its inception in 2005. (http://parkingday.orgg) (http://rebargroup.org/parking-day/) This year, for the first time,…
Last week, our firm and our client The Wolff Company celebrated the groundbreaking of Capitol Yards apartment homes in West Sacramento. The project is the largest of its kind to…
For decades, Stormwater has been routed to drain inlets and piped underground to either a treatment plant or the nearest river; while efficient at conveying water away from a parking…
The Arbors at Oak Park, a senior affordable project our firm designed, had its grand opening today. It was a great event with strong community support, attended by neighborhood activists…
Historically almost all buildings were naturally ventilated; the UC Davis Tercero Student Housing project incorporates natural ventilation strategies to provide fresh air and cooling, avoiding the higher energy consumption of…
The Sacramento Area Council of Governments has awarded Mogavero Notestine Associates a 2013 certificate for being a bicycle friendly business, and Mogavero has been recognized....
There were about 16,000 conferees and 1,000 vendors at the American Institute of Architects 2013 National Convention and Expo in Denver the week before last. A "petting zoo" showcase of…
With entries from around the world, but largely from California and the west, Pacific Coast Builders Conference (PCBC) awarded our 7th & H mixed-use building with the 2013 Judge’s Special…